Search Results
OpenFOAM Intermediate - 92 import freeCAD step into salome and creating different patches
OpenFOAM Intermediate - 93 basics meshing with salome and export to unv
OpenFOAM Intermediate - 77 freeCAD make a cylinder
OpenFOAM Intermediate - 94 ideasUnvToFoam, more salome mesh settings and NgException meshing issue
elbow 90degee-FreeCad
OpenFOAM Intermediate - 91 install and run salome 9.5.0
OpenFOAM Intermediate - 62 applying colour scheme to patches and changing Patch Names
OpenFoam Heat Transfer 63 - multiRegion meshing with Salome and freeCAD (overview, workflow, intro)
OpenFoam Intermediate 118 - adding faces to mesh and attempting to export
FreeCAD + OpenFOAM Tutorial Part 1/3 | Generation 3D Geometry of Pipe Elbow for CFD Simulation
SALOME & OpenFOAM Tutorial: Propeller - Preparing The Geometry
[Finite Element 3] Prepare the geometry: Create the helical shape in FreeCAD and mesh it in SALOME